A rescan for this item is available here.Features
p.57 High-Resolution Sprite-Oriented Color Graphics
[author Steve Ciarcia]
You don't need Logo to use sprites for animation with the illusion of depth.
p.88 A Beginner's Guide to Logo
[author Harold Abelson]
Although Logo is used as a language for introducing computers to children, it is not just for kids.
p.116 Logo in the Schools
[author Daniel Watt]
Putting computers in the classroom has led to some unexpected results.
p.138 Designing Computer-Based Microworlds
[author R. W. Lawler]
Well-written Logo procedures stimulate children's desire to learn by making complex ideas understandable and intrinsically interesting.
p.163 Why Logo?
[author Brian Harvey]
Logo is designed to encourage development of problem-solving skills.
p.196 Introducing Logo to Children
[author Cynthia Solomon]
Teaching Logo requires an awareness of different learning styles.
p.210 Logo - A Cultural Glossary
[author E. Paul Goldenberg]
Common Logo terms are defined and their interrelationships are highlighted.
p.230 Logo for the Apple II, the TI-99/4A, and the TRS-80 Color Computer
[author Gregg Williams]
Each version of Logo is best suited for a particular audience.
p.291 A General-Purpose I/O Board for the TRS-80 Models I and III
[author William Barden Jr.]
The system bus is described, and plans are presented for an interface board with 24 lines of discrete input/output.
p.323 The Logo Journal, News and Views of the Logo Community - A collection of articles
p.324 Learning Physics from a Dynaturtle
[author Andrea A. diSessa and Barbara Y. White]
p.325 Logo Music
[author Jeanne Bamberger]
p.328 Leading Fish to Water
[author Dr. William Higginson]
p.329 Logo Project PROKOP
[author Heinz-Dieter Boecker and Gerhard Fischer]
p.330 The Group of the Turtle
[author Dr. Uri Leron]
p.331 The Lamplighter Project
[author Henry Gorman Jr.]
p.332 Logo Research at Bank Street College
[author Jan Jewson and Roy D. Pea]
p.333 Young People's Logo Association
[author James H. Muller]
p.334 and Logo Update
[author Phil Lemmons]
p.342 User's Column: Semidisk, Software Tools, the BDOS Blues, Power, and LISPs
[author Jerry Pournelle]
A veteran computer user voices his opinions, bashed and unabashed.
p.38 Program Generators
[author George Stewart]
p.366 The Commodore 8032 Business System
[author Harold Dickerman]
p.398 The Heath/Zenith Model 47 Dual Floppy-Disk Drive
[author Christopher O. Kern]
p.408 Assisted Instructional Development System
[author George Wolfe]
p.6 Editorial: Keeping Our Technological Edge
p.20 Letters
p.84 BYTE Game Contest Winners and Rules for Contest #2
p.380 Technical Forum: Let the MC68701 Program itself
p.416 Book Review: Software Design: Methods and Techniques
p.418 Ask BYTE
p.422 Software Received
p.426 BYTE's Bits
p.428 Clubs and Newsletters
p.430 Books Received
p.430 BYTE's Bugs
p.432 Event Queue
p.443 System Notes: Using the LOOKUP Function in Visicalc
p.451 What's New?
p.509 Unclassified Ads
p.509 BOMB, BOMB Results
p.511 Reader Service